« King Nicolas »: the single

Dazie Mae is proud to announce the release of « King Nicolas », single from their soon to be released 4th album « Froth a on Daydream », freely inspired by Boris Vian’s novel « L’Ecume des jours »!

Dazie Mae on the Free Music Archive

FMAWe are very thrilled to have our page in the Free Music Archive!

The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of legal audio downloads founded by legendary freeform radio station WFMU. This project wouldn’t be possible without our curators, who select and upload all the music you’ll find here. Curators come from all over the world, and have a wide range of experience with good music. They include freeform radio stations, netlabels, artist collectives, performance spaces, and concert organizers. If the FMA were a radio station, the curators would be our awesomely obsessive DJs.

The FMA is an amazing project, and we are very glad to be able to participate with our back catalogue. Our page has just been created a few days ago, and our tracks already have more than 12,000 listens and 4,000 downloads!

Visit us at: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Dazie_Mae/

A message for our Chinese fans

Jeanne, Mathias, Serge and Tom在这里向你们问候。
多年前我们怀着小小的梦想,组成了Dazie Mae,今天,我们仍在坚持着梦想,做自己心中的音乐。

(Thanks to Eileen Chen for the translation!)

Work in progress: Dazie Mae’s new project ‘The Froth on a daydream’

We are currently working on a new project inspired by Boris Vian’s famous novel « The Froth on a daydream » (« L’Ecume des jours »). Here are a few pics from our week-end in Normandy in November. The recording of the album is planned for May 2015, and the release in September. Stay tuned for updates!

Top 10 sexy commercials & video clips using Dazie Mae’s songs

For the past 5 years, thanks to Jamendo, BeMySound and Believe Digital, many of our songs have been used for various purposes, including music on hold, website background, video commercials, short movies, etc. Our most used songs are: Sofa, Misbehaved, Move on and Upside Down.

Here is a top 10 list of the sexiest ones!


10) Website background music for Polish lingerie maker Atlantic (Sofa)



9) Commercial for Nat & Nin’s handbags collection (Sofa)

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Une web série espagnole utilise la musique de Dazie Mae / A Spanish web sitcom uses Dazie Mae’s music

« Asqueadas », l’une des web séries humoristiques espagnoles les plus en vogue depuis quelques années, a utilisé des morceaux de Dazie Mae pour un certain nombre de ses épisodes, notamment :
Asqueadas, one of Spain’s most trendy web sitcoms has used several of our songs for various episodes, such as:

– Episode 1 (« The business of breaking men’s heart »)

– Episode 2 : « Miss she spends »
– Episode 3 : « My Pussy cat »


-> Voir le site de la web série